International scientific conference
27 October 2016
In honor of professor A. A. Borisenko for his 70th birthday the university hosted an international scientific conference "Modern advances in geometry and topology" from 12 September to 16 September 2016.
The conference participants were from all over the world including Poland, Turkey, Spain, Norway, Australia.
Young scientists from personal achievements in geometry and topology from Lviv, Kyiv, Odesa and Kharkiv gave talks.
Other News
24 May 2016Congratulations to Alexander Andreevich Borisenko!
18 April 2016Congratulations to our student
6 April 2016Congratulations to our students with the successful performance at the students' research projects contest!
3 January 2017Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
10 January 2017Schedule repeating academic debts