Склад секції

Alexander L. YampolskyAlexander L. Yampolsky Alexander L. Yampolsky Z, docent (associate professor) of department of fundamental mathematics, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics, docent (associate professor)

Kostiantyn D. DrachKostiantyn D. Drach Kostiantyn D. Drach Phd in mathematics

Olga V. LykovaOlga V. Lykova Olga V. Lykova Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Olena M. NevmerzhitskaOlena M. Nevmerzhitska Olena M. Nevmerzhitska Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Eugene V. PetrovEugene V. Petrov Eugene V. Petrov Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Olena O. ShugailoOlena O. Shugailo Olena O. Shugailo Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Dmytro V. BolotovDmytro V. Bolotov Dmytro V. Bolotov Doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics, senior researcher of iltpe

Vasyl O. GorkavyyVasyl O. Gorkavyy Vasyl O. Gorkavyy Doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics, docent (associate professor)

.. . Docent (associate professor) of department of theoretical and applied computer science , phd in mathematics, docent (associate professor)

P. G. DolyaP. G. Dolya P. G. Dolya Docent (associate professor) of department of theoretical and applied computer science , phd for industries

Iryna V. KatsIryna V. Kats Iryna V. Kats Lead engineer

Dm. I. VlasenkoDm. I. Vlasenko Dm. I. Vlasenko Phd in mathematics, senior lecturer

Schedule for today

Week schedule

Vasyl O. Gorkavyy

Doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics, docent (associate professor)

1987-1992 - Student of Kharkiv state university.

1992-1995 - Post-graduate student of B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering.

1995-2000- young research fellow at B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering.

1999 - PhD these "Reconstruction of submanifolds from a gievn Gauss image" by speciality 01.01.04 - geometry and topology, scientific supervisor - Prof. Yu.A. Aminov. PhD degree is assigned by VAK of Ukraine in 2000.

2000-2001- research fellow at B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering.

2002-2016 - seniorresearchfellowatB. VerkinInstituteforLowTemperaturePhysicsandEngineering

2016 - till now - leading research fellow at B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering

2013 – Doctor of sciences in mathematics and physics, these “Transformations of surfaces in spaces of constant curvature by specialty 01.01.04 - geometry and topology

2001 till now - assistant professor of geometry chair of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Scientific interests:

- Grassmann manifolds and Grassmann (Gauss) image of submanifolds

- Pseudo-spherical submanifolds, Baecklund-Bianci transformations

- Minimal surfaces

- Integrable systems

- Polyhedra and their deformations